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We have a long tradition of fire fighting and saving lives and that’s what we want to do with our products too. We provide fire fighting products for commercial and residential sites. Browse our products and save your place from any sort of fire hazard.
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Fire Extinguishers, In-panel Suppression, Kitchen Systems, Total Flooding Solutions, Alarm Systems, Hydrants, Accessories and Services, we do it all under one banner. We know that in the fight against fire, there are no second chances.
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Our Expert is Just 1 Call Away. Call Us Now!
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Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers for home, office, vehicles, mall and all type of buildings and skyscrapers.
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Fire Hydrants System
Fire Hydrant Protection System products installed to fight fire of huge proportions, in all classes of risks.
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Fire Alarm System
Fire Alarm System to detect and alert occupants and emergency forces of the presence of smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, or other fire-related emergencies.
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Total Flooding System
Advanced extinguishing solution as an excellent solution for the protection of high-value assets, business processes and people.
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Automatic Firefighters
The fire-extinguishing system aims at the flame based on its location information and sprays an extinguishing agent to put out the fire.
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Even More Products Delivered
More fire safety products are ready to be delivered.
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A smoke detector is an electronic fire-protection device that automatically senses the presence of smoke, as a key indication of fire, and sounds a warning to building occupants. We offer best products from the quality brands that would ensure your safety.
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Compete Fire & Safety products and planning based on your requirements. Our experts can guide the best fire-safety planning based on the scale of site and will deliver all the necessary products and components that would help you prepare for fire fighting.
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Our well qualified experts can help you setting up the ‘best for you’ solution and will supply the products to you that will enhance your safety.
Our phone: +91 6387 40 6286
Drop a WhatsApp: +91 6387 40 6286
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500+ Lives Saved
Products that we sell have saved more than 500 lives.
Our experts have experience of most challenging situation and real life hazards and they know what product will save your life and will sell the same.
Fire Proof Yourself
Make your premise fire-proof.
Our products have wide range of fireproofing. Can be used for fireproofing vehicles, houses, buildings, malls, offices, and other such premises.
Fast Delivery
Lightening Fast Deliveries
We prioritize our customer needs above everything and we make sure that the product you ordered reaches you as quick as possible.
Extraordinary Support
We provide extensive after sales support.
We are here to help when you plan to buy fire and safety products to when you install it and even after you installed it. We provide you great after sales support.
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When you buy from us you not only get the product, you also get the support of our highly skilled experts who are ready to help you at your fingertips.
Products from all the reputed brands under one roof.
Our experts have on ground experience with the products.
Our experts used the products we sell under very challenging circumstances.
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``Superb products to choose from and the team is just awesome. Also, I like the way TFAC team responds and with their polite attitude towards their customers. Highly Recommended!``
Subhash Singh
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``The TFAC experts are true experts, when you will talk to them, you will understand that they have tremendous knowledge of products and actual emergency scenarios of all sorts. They can really help you with planning and installations.``
Vishal Thakur
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